As a part of The United Methodist connection, we support efforts by The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) with world-wide reach.
We work with partners in ministry in our community, such as Appalachian Ministry of the Smokies (poverty relief, food pantry, homeless shelter), Access Life (connecting persons living with disabilities), Holston Conference initiatives, and others.
Volunteers are always needed (as well as financial support)
Sometimes a life event causes a temporary setback in homelessness, hunger, health, addiction, family finances. We provide help to persons in such crisis through our Hearts & Hands Fund (subsidizing utility payments for locals), partnership with Renovatus, partnership with Appalachian MInistries of the Smokies (food pantry and shelter).
Financial support and volunteers are needed
Ministry groups such as Knit Wits and Quilts of Valor provide prayer shawls and quilts to provide comfort and remind others of the prayers we send.
Food for the AMOS food pantry is donated regularly.
Volunteers are needed.